Sunday, January 11, 2009

Totally Offensive

The writers at SNL are obviously out of material. Now that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are gone, the show is not funny at all. Sarah Palin was easy for a 10 year old to make jokes about.

Now that they have spoofed Keith Olberman, they went after Rachel Maddow. Instead of making jokes about her nuisances, they attacked the fact that she doesn't hide the fact that she is a lesbian. This was totally over the top. Had she been black, they would not have made fun of her.

The writers of SNL have to boundaries for topics that aren't funny. You might remember that SNL also did a parody of David Paterson, governor of New York. Paterson is blind and the skit mocked his disability.

SNL was just beginning to get funny, however, I will not watch a show that finds it funny to make fun of a person's disability or sexual orientation.

What do you think?

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