Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day in History

My parents can tell you where they were at significant moments in history... the landing on the moon, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, when Elvis died...

For my generation, these moments used to include significant moments such as September 11, 2001 and the explosion of the Columbia space shuttle. And now where we were on January 20, 2009, the day that the United States of America inaugurated the first black man as President.

It is hard for me to not be hopeful that this man has the resolve to move this country in the direction that it needs to go. The Obama world will be a much better place for my children to live in.

His message of personal responsibility will hopefully motivate more Americans to serve their country, not necessarily in the military, but in their own communities. Reading to our children instead of watching TV, donating our time to causes and looking out for our neighbor.

This is a truly historic day in American history. Though it will mean nothing if the promises made during the many months of campaigning aren't kept. Our new President has made many promises that will be tough to keep such as restoring the economy, ending the war in Iraq and restoring America's position in the world.

It is up to every American to do their part.

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