A woman in Ohio has been charged with child endangerment for breast feeding her child while driving a car and talking on a cell phone. Another motorist witnessed this and called police. The woman faces an $1800 fine and 180 days in jail.
This isn't some stupid teenager, this woman is 39 years old. 39! By this age, you would think a person would have a good amount of common sense. Apparently not.
Unless she is an octo-mom (sorry for the reference), how could she possibly pull this off? It takes at least one hand to hold a child and hopefully one was on the wheel. Then she has the distraction holding a cell phone and carrying on a conversation.
This is completely irresponsible. She has been quoted as saying that she "wouldn't let her child go hungry". Well then pull the car over, feed your child safely and place the child back in his/her car seat and continue driving. If she were in a wreck, the baby would have died.
Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to raise children.